"Uh, no lo proud Indonesia's same?" I asked one of my friends casually. "Proud dong!" My friend replied casually too. I asked again. "Yes a lot lah! Important, lo and gw, proud of his own nation, "He replied with a little motivating. In recent years, really sad to see how 'proud' Bangsa Indonesia. Do not want to help others is something 'normal' encountered. Here are many things to be proud of Indonesia so little good shape perceptions of "Your Indonesia and My Indonesia":
1. 1. Indonesia Country Isles
Indonesia is an archipelagic country, even the country with the largest island in the world. The islands in Indonesia through a number of 17,508, was much caused by several things. Few geographical history repeating our country, Indonesia is a country sandwiched between two great continents, namely the Australian continent and the continent of Asia. Because of this, Indonesia is a land 'responsibility' which then split so that the number of islands in Indonesia reached 17 thousand. With the status of Indonesia as an archipelagic country, it is better if we share that Indonesia was proud to have succeeded until now to keep the islands still numbered 17,508, no more and no less. Except in a few moments of natural disaster, causing the state to lose some of his island Indonesia, hopefully it does not happen again! Amien!
2. 2. Ethnic diversity, Race, Religion
Colorful diversity, created a very beautiful and interesting in Indonesia. This is caused by the diversity of tribes, races, and religions of each citizen. Why? Because each province may not consist only of one tribe, race, and religion. Indonesia, Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, with 33 provinces making very diverse citizens.
Indonesian state, basically has two kinds of people as a whole based on the location. The first is the origin of wilt and the second is the origin of Melanesia. B Base melayu, the majority located in the western part of Indonesia, while the base of Melanesia, the majority located in the eastern part of Indonesia. In addition, the Indonesian nation is not only consist of indigenous tribes, many immigrant-immigrant flagged respectively. They are beginning to Indonesia just to trade, but because they feel comfortable living in Indonesia, making them move citizenship, among others come from Arabic, Indian, and Tionghoa.
Not only that, as Indonesia come from various islands in the physical condition of each island is different, of making its citizens can freely choose the appropriate trust with him, especially in times of reform, freedom is upheld. But still, freedom, must not violate the norms in force. Examples are in the western part of Indonesia, known for its Islamic, from Aceh, Palembang, Jakarta, Ponorogo, Banjarmasin, and so on. Then there is also the island of Bali with budhanya Hindu religion.
3. 3. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
"Although different, but still one!" Quote is 'wake up' to be more proud of our relationship with Indonesia. Why? Indonesia Population anyak seb and 231 million people spread over 33 provinces. With an average of each province consisted of 7 million people, of course, make a very diverse Indonesia. Diversity, both physical and non physical, makes us not only on differences chains. Apart from these differences, we are all still in the hood of the Indonesian nation, our civilization is part of the Indonesian people who have a determination and purpose for the implementation of Indonesia's independence.
Indonesia motto or slogan is, a phrase that comes from the ancient Javanese language. In addition, this slogan was contained in the Pancasila state which is the basis of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia). As the precepts contained in the 3 Pancasila, the "unity of Indonesia", there is a very close relationship between the two. The motto and principle of the Pancasila 3, should be preserved so that our grandchildren can enjoy all the diversity and making Indonesia still beautiful as now.
4. 4. High intelligence and spirit of the Indonesian People's
Why should the level of intelligence and spirit? That is because the original wong Indonesia actually has certain skills and abilities that can not be done by the peoples neighboring countries. Shaman is an example of 'not good' actually, but is there a shaman in other countries except Indonesia? There is no doubt. This also applies to the indigenous tradition in Indonesia is still strong. Like reog ponorogo and dance saman which other nations are unlikely to do.
Several years ago, Indonesia has 'almost' show identity. Proof is a lot of competitions of both formal and informal, local and international, as well as the physical brain, which was won by the indigenous peoples of Indonesia, whom even won the nation's youth.
5. 5. Culture
Indonesia's culture, innumerable. Starting from the traditional cuisine, traditional dances, traditional ceremonies that were held in each region.Saman dance of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, and there Tech Know-tek's Lamongan, Pempek property Palembang, property Pendet Bali, Ondel-owned ondel Jakarta, Jogjakarta Gudeg property, and so on. In stark contrast to other countries on earth. United States for example, with an area of the country's almost a continent, there is no typical menu different each region. People's Republic of China was the same, where we are in the country, the food menu is available only from the noodles and noodles.There is no variation there trying lok. In stark contrast to Indonesia, despite its name in common, but still taste and 'packaging' is different.
With an abundance of culture, and so as not to repeat the theft of cultural events by neighboring countries, we should preserve and survival of indigenous cultures of Indonesia. Do not let your neighbors casually take our culture! Out of the problem, we also need to be able to respect our own culture.
6. 6. Biodiversity
Biodiversity Biodiversity or the world, is a part of which is part of Indonesia. This led to Indonesia often referred to as the lungs of the world and is a separate heaven for some living things. 70% types of ecosystems, natural or artificial, in the world, belongs to Indonesia. Rice fields, forests, sea water, fresh water, steppes, and so there are in Indonesia.
Some of the points above, I think and believe there is still much less. We apologize if there are errors in the writing, criticism and constructive suggestions are expected authors for creating a useful article. And many Thank You.
Source: codepro
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Proud not just Indonesia
I'm Proud Indonesia.!
INDONESIA a name familiar to hear, such a beautiful name and a vast archipelago country and rich in natural wealth.
Seperti dalam sebagian lyric lagu kebangsaan kita "indonesia Raya": As in the lyric part of our national anthem "Indonesia Raya":
".. my homeland Indonesia
Tanah tumpah darahku..
Disanalah aku berdiri,jadi pandu ibuku..
indonesia kebangsaanku,bangsa dan tanah airku kebangsaanku Indonesia,
Marilah kita berseru,Indonesia bersatu....." "
How grateful and proud I am to be a citizen and youth indonesia.saat Indonesia's independence was 64 years old, if it occurs in human age-old human and has lots of life but had experience can no longer work effectively. Indonesia country as well as 64-year-old, full of experience and have formed many stories in the history of this country, but can it not work effectively anymore ..???
That is a question in my mind, because at 64 years-old until 2009 this year, Indonesia is the country progressing according to what I experienced from birth ditahun 1991.what progress this nation is perfect? of course not, much this struggle.
Because even though our country forward, but not evenly distributed across the entire people of Indonesia is felt, therefore I am and all of you who read this blog have the obligation to promote Indonesia more often we are not aware of ourselves.
The first thing that makes me feel the irony in the current lack of nationalist spirit, and proud of Indonesia or the love of the country first young heroes willing to sacrifice their wealth and lives for this country, now we live if the heroes get it.if who had died or still alive would probably cry if you saw the people that are less nationalist spirit.
current nationalist spirit only occurs if we are disturbed state sovereignty with other countries, or there is a violation of national dignity, then the whole community and show simultaneous action young nationalist, as the cases often encountered kitaw between our country allied with neighboring countries.
but after the conflict was over so many who forgot the nationalist spirit, especially the youth-.ex. in everyday culture less / more like the western culture, considers culture in a strange country and in other samples at all communities such as, lack of day-to commemorate the anniversary of the nation as a hero today, on oath dll.ok youth 'is the anniversary of independence when a lot of information like cita.tapi commemorate the day-another day we should celebrate it happily.
What may lack a sense of nationalism and pride because of the economy? which eventually tends individualia, it's true that a reasonable, too, but what we then have to always blame the country and government? it is true that the government's duty, but whether we should always blame if an error occurred in the government, that criticism is necessary to build but should not make us less or not have a sense of nationalistic or proud of their nation's . working people also must have mistakes too.
but we give advice to the government, let us also show the government to be the input that makes them aware of or lighten the load as with such actions are not legal mellanggar, a community of intelligent, honest people who are not corrupt, the people who work hard to build the nation's economy, people who appreciate culture and history of the nation, religious community or faith, the community is helping each other and other good actions.
Especially the youth, because I and other young people who will begin this struggle, to be fragrant, and respected by other nations in the world.
therefore let's do a little action, because it begins with small acts will be planted .. let's think PROUD OF INDONESIA AND THE LOVE INDONESIA!!
Source: andri.lives